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Sinus fungal infection diet -

21-12-2016 à 14:48:48
Sinus fungal infection diet
I wish everyone well and the search to alleve the symptoms. I was very pleased to find this forum and see that there are fellow-sufferers of this inexplicable syndrome. I get odd little shooting pains every now in again in my thighs, wrist, love handles etc. Here is what worked for me. But after over a year of treatment for depression, I am no better. I would have a thyroid checked, since those are strongly linked. Kill the candida and all your illnesses start to go away. In addition to severe gastro-intestinal symptoms, I felt as though I was coming down with a bad case of the flu. Feels like the flu or High Fever aches with out the high temp. if nothing else is working and you are sick all of the time, what do you do. Im simply tried of it, I heard even honey helps and I would try a new diet plan and exercise along with plenty of rest. I had blood work done a couple of years ago and I thought my physician said Celiac disease was included in this panel though I could be mistaken. Is convinced that my allergies are out of control. About a week ago I started feeling a little bit of pressure coming on almost like a cold was about to hit. the list goes on and on. Things got worse when I actually came down with Depression and I believed that it was the cause. I am however, dealing with bad body aches, sore lower back, sore upper back, sore shoulders and neck. Do not always need antibiotics but this time I did. fatigue, muscle and joint pain, bloating, headaches, even depression, irritability. I believe these changes have kept my dyspepsia at heal, and my body fatigue and immunity seems to be doing better too. Like a Mack truck has hit me every morning. Then slowly reintroduce these products and wait a couple of days before trying the next one. The nasal congestion that results blocks the sinuses, preventing drainage of mucus into the nose and mouth. I have a lot of the same symptoms as de4912. You might not have all of the symptoms i named here and anyone can have this thing, kids, men, women. Thanks for your comment, its good to know. At this point, my main concern is figuring out what is causing my allergies. for obvious reasons. As well, Acid tummy comes with fatigue, muscle ache and sore glen, which there for I think it is Allergies in a form I am not used to. As well, I am thinking going to naturopath. My husband would get so frustrated with me because I was always on the internet trying to find out what was wrong with me untill one day he started having the same symptoms. OK here is the silver bullet cause in my opinion and experience. It always seems strange to me when people are coming down with stuff like this in what is not typically considered the cold and flu season. My nose is always stuffy (year-round) but I just recently started having all these other symptoms and they truly are very crippling. I would have a thyroid checked, since those are strongly linked. Alternaria does not grow below 60 degrees so cold nights and cool days are when the symptoms are least felt. But after over a year of treatment for depression, I am no better. Mold stimulates yeast overgrowth in the body, worsening allergies. Chlortramine, or something like that. I have to sit down and rest for at least ten minutes before I can do anything else. This is the 5th and longest bout (about two weeks long so far) in 3 months. I felt better in a few days of not eating any corn (that I knew of). I feel as if ever since then I have been infected with something because I read about a staff infection can get into your blood if its not treated properly. The fatigue is so bad that even folding a sheet is taking effort. the hospital i went to seemed to have no interest in listening to the symptoms I was having, but all I Know is I been feeling this way for about 7 months now and its crazy. In addition to severe gastro-intestinal symptoms, I felt as though I was coming down with a bad case of the flu. they are not included in the routine blood tests. However, to complicate matters I am a Celiac (gluten intollerant). Since increasing Allegra, the intensity of my headaches has been reduced as well as the foggy feeling. But my doctor also mentioned that there could be some other factors causing (or contributing to) my allergy symptoms. My body aches, especially my lower back and between my shoulder blades. I play tennis and have these symptoms increasingly as I age after a hard game and have muscle pain. I had lots to study when these symptoms started and Dr. can find them online as well. s told me it was due to stress. Ive gone to the doctor many times and because allergies make me feel so stupid, my head feels like a bowling ball, I feel very weak, hard to breathe, I feel it effects my daily activities and Im simply tired of it. I have seen a number of Dr. I am very relived seeing that I am not alone. Within a couple of days the lowgrade fever feeling, the body aches and fatigue were gone. I am so relieved seeing all you guys going through what I am facing. s told me it was due to stress. I have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and am going for surgery next week. They have provided me with marginal relief but I still wake up every morning feeling like I got hit by a truck and by the end of the day, my head tends to throb and I feel exhausted. After about nine months of completing all my injections, I developed another ear infection and the tinnitus returned. Severe sinus problems plus the flu like body and joint aches. Depression is not the cause or the answer to these symptoms and it is odd that people want to push anti-depressants so much these days. Since I came to Australia, the presume allergies symptoms I get make my stomach more acidy, and there for create problem like ACID reflux. I found that we changed our juice to one containing sulphate as preservative. I use a little more than warm water to flush out my congestion and I take a multivitamin everyday. My body aches, especially my lower back and between my shoulder blades. Never had allergies or sinus problems until now. I know what is the cause of such aches and the other symptoms of which everyone is describing. So. Caused by birth control pills that I had just started taking a few months earlier to balance my hormones. multiple diagonis with tendonitis takes for ever to heal and only 3 months to mess my body up again some times less time. I loved my mt dew, I still have to have the one, but it makes me feel so awful after i drink it. my head started crackling and popping and opening up. The best way to test for food sensitivities is to see a naturopath and go through an elimination diet. sulphate. (I had already done the probiotic thing). After I put these things together in my head I decided to do another candida cleanse and went on a grain and sugar-free diet. nothing is working. Hang in there guys I know its not easy feeling this way but you do get used to it and adjust to knowing just when and how much you can do things. The most promising so far is the sinus flooding procedure, where you flood your sinuses with mesosilver collodial silver supplement. I was born in eastern wa desert now I live in overcast cool rainy westren wa. i tried so many kind of medication, but no one came to light. I think this is a treatment for the symptom and not for the problem that cause it. No fever but to say the least it was a rough might sleeping. Finally after my OWN research I went to see an allergist. I went back to the Dr. V8 juice each day, a banana first thing in the morning(works wonders for dypepsia), avoiding dry wheat products like bagel, toasted bread. Often, the temps drop but the air still holds the mold if no rain has fallen and wind keeps the air stirred with previous mold growth. I am due to go back to work on Wednesday but cannot go back like this. I learned about them through nurse I have been seeing for my symptoms at the asthma clinic here. I again started injections and the sinus conditions and tinnitus stopped. I guess mine started about 4 weeks ago when spring was just getting started. i contacted him explained to him my problems, and behold he gave me some good hope which was that he have the herbs that cures it very fast. I am 22 and I have been experiencing a lot of different pains. OK here is the silver bullet cause in my opinion and experience. The sore throat, headache, body ache, fatigue and cough went on for about five days. com that uses a chemical in a pepper to desensitize you to allergens, and also am trying sinus wars -- a number of remedies at sinuswars. I will be watching my food very carefully for the next little while. And they can be brought on by medication, injury, anything. I was also told to eliminate wheat from my diet, while drinking a detox shake of supplements and things that detox the body from allergens. Can someone help me figure out how you get the food allergy testing done. Many foods are processed using molds, like certain cheeses. Something affected us again but not as severe. so i begin to wonder if he can really help. Well it seems as though a lot of what you folks and I suffer from are severe allergies. In the meantime, I was seeing little improvement. I have run through all of the possible causes and solutions mentioned by previous comments and to no avail. Hi I am a 41 year old male who has had on and off nasal congestion, Chronic cough and flu like body aches. My symptoms (flu-like aching of feet and legs, extreme fatique, breathlessness, malaise, with very mild sinus pressure and sore glands) began about a month ago. Extreme sore throat, coughing, muscle aches and pains, headaches, fever and fatigue. I loved my mt dew, I still have to have the one, but it makes me feel so awful after i drink it. I did this at least 5 days a week, sometimes more. I decided to cut on it as well and started with bread. Sounds wierd, but if you check out the site, many who have been suffereing swear it works. My son and a few of his friends came down with a cold or something resembling strep about a week a go, which I got from him as well. GET A NETI POT, its helped me and make sure you use not too hot but hot water to where it flushes your nose out and blow all the stuff out of your nose. I wish everyone well and the search to alleve the symptoms. Chlortrimaton is not sold in a 12 hour any more in the US. We are now avoid all sweets, cool drinks, even crisps. GET A NETI POT, its helped me and make sure you use not too hot but hot water to where it flushes your nose out and blow all the stuff out of your nose. com that uses a chemical in a pepper to desensitize you to allergens, and also am trying sinus wars -- a number of remedies at sinuswars. I had lots to study when these symptoms started and Dr. I did not make the choice for them they decided for themselves after they suffered a few times. I have 7 apointments with differnt specialist, this month to figure this out. I found that we changed our juice to one containing sulphate as preservative. I cannot wait to resume my exercise regimen as I know I will once again feel strong amd pain free. A lot of the symptoms you all described have suddenly hit me like a brick this morning. I do not like to take meds, therefore a hot bath and much rest is usually what improves my condition, and I think I am also depleted in vitamins and electrolytes. Last night in desperation I went to the drug store and purchased another OTC med. Some of you may want to join us in this discussion in the Neurology forum on CFIDS and lyme disease. As Platelet Gal mentioned, wheat and gluten intolerances, which automatically includes dairy intolerances, can make a person feel pretty lousy and even cause extreme fatigue and body aches. ISo, I am feeling more rested than usual this morning. may not work for everyone, but it literally changed my life. I once had a very severe reaction to drinking lots of corn chowder during a cold weekend in Maine. I felt pressure behind my eyes, on my cheeks, forehead and the back of my head. 4. Sent me to an ENT - gave me nasal steroid and antihistamines. This is day 21 of feeling absoultely terrible. I have suffered from all of the above (headaches, neck, shoulder, back aches, muscle aches, dizziness, fatigue, bloating, etc. and asked to be referred to a Specialist. I am trying to convince my allergist that it is all tied into each other. Recent study revealed 80% of those with sinus infections DO NOT NEED an antibiotic, just a good washing. I feel a bit like the boy who cried wolf - likw no-one believes. I went to the pharmacy and bought every over the counter allergy med. Sinus pressure (with absolutely clear sinuses), severe muscle pains and fatigue, and a general feeling of being down and out. Been eating better, no pop,mostly water and fruit juice. Then slowly reintroduce these products and wait a couple of days before trying the next one. It sounds like you could have food allergies. At this point, my main concern is figuring out what is causing my allergies. Am now on Prednisone (steroid pills) for 6 days. I was prescribed the same antibiotic for what my doctor thinks is an infected lymph gland. I am going to go back to her. My Dr. I feel a bit better eliminating wheat, and detoxing on this protein powder. I constantly get laryngitis - approx 9 times in last 10 months. I did this at least 5 days a week, sometimes more. It helps a great deal to feel joined in this quest for solutions. my head started crackling and popping and opening up. I would have cheese once in awhile but have been eating it every day lately. I had blood work done a couple of years ago and I thought my physician said Celiac disease was included in this panel though I could be mistaken. I had lots to study when these symptoms started and Dr. Can I just ask my PCP and do you need to request a specific test. I learned about them through nurse I have been seeing for my symptoms at the asthma clinic here. Severe sinus problems plus the flu like body and joint aches. I also suffer with flu like aches and was told I had everything from Fibromyalgia to CFS. for obvious reasons. The tinnitus is very annoying (putting it mildly) and the constant build up of mucus in the ears is a killer. It seemed to work until I completed my allergy injection cycles (5 years later). We are now avoiding all kinds of preservatives. I started to have similar symptoms as describe above, and I also assume it is allergies, but in a different form. I felt better in a few days of not eating any corn (that I knew of). But after over a year of treatment for depression, I am no better. I recognise when he is coming down with the symptoms as he gets a blackening under the eyes first, along with extreme fatigue, as do I. I am at my ends wits and feel I am running out of options and no one can help. Sounds wierd, but if you check out the site, many who have been suffereing swear it works. All further complicated by the possibility that premenopause is causing fog and other hormonal imbalances. Two days ago I developed a severe sore throat with body aches. Dont blow too hard but slowly because they congestion will come back. You can ask to see an allergist for these tests. So one day i came across some testimonies of some people claiming they were cured of a disease by a Herbal doctor whose name was DR IMONAH with his herbs. ) for years. Alll of it has helped in the past, but not since March. I increased my exercise program to one hour on a bicycle at a fast pace, one half hour of weight bearing exercises (I am a 58 year old woman and have been exercising with weights that range from 10 to 20 pounds) 500 crunches and a number of other stretch exercises. Thus, the aches are most prevalent in hot and humid months and when grasses grow and are cut the most (June-August). I am doing some research because I am too weak to walk to the clinic, and I have found doctors to be often unhelpful, unless I arrive with my own ideas about what might be wrong. I had a big improvement on my sore itchy red eyes, runny nose, flaky sculp, congested sinuses, wheezing cough, joint pains, etc. I suppose the root of what I have is a bad nasal allergy that is causing everything else. It helped but its a general health diet ever one should be on. In the old days it would only cause sneezing, watery eyes, etc. I have been feeling much of the same symptoms you all have since February of this year. I am in allergy fog and no doubt feel sick allot as I catch everything my kids bring into the house. I took some Chlortrimaton one afternoon. Boy do these symptoms sound familiar. The most promising so far is the sinus flooding procedure, where you flood your sinuses with mesosilver collodial silver supplement. am also going to try the Zicam Seasonal allergy spray. As Platelet Gal mentioned, wheat and gluten intolerances, which automatically includes dairy intolerances, can make a person feel pretty lousy and even cause extreme fatigue and body aches. It is very frustrating to have doctors and others tell me (and doubt me) as to the severity and legitimacy of what I am suffering. Sinus pressure (with absolutely clear sinuses), severe muscle pains and fatigue, and a general feeling of being down and out. a 4 hour jobby. Would be interested in your comments on this. Ive been eating fruits because they have lots of antioxidants and vitamins in them which can help kill the bacteria. I basically have the same symptoms as the first post (de49152). Walking an distance makes the muscles in my legs ache, especially my calves. I am bi polar and being treated but all that proves is that I have a chem imbalence in my brain. I have seen an allergist for a decade, earlier, and he referred me to an environmental specialist. I am 22 and I have been experiencing a lot of different pains. Alternatively you could be going in for a viral infection. Not really hot to where you burn yourself though. It started with aches in my hips, back and shoulders. I developed tinnitus (ringing in the ears) after an ear infection many years ago. No fever but to say the least it was a rough might sleeping. I am bi polar and being treated but all that proves is that I have a chem imbalence in my brain. it makes quite a bit of sense that our bodies may react badly to the homogenized diet we currently consume. It can just give you a good idea of whether you are more likely to develop it. The heat and humidity allow the mold to grow and become suspended in the air we all breath. Things got worse when I actually came down with Depression and I believed that it was the cause. The best way to test for food sensitivities is to see a naturopath and go through an elimination diet. the list goes on and on. If anyone knows what this is let me know. Thus, the aches are most prevalent in hot and humid months and when grasses grow and are cut the most (June-August). I have been personally searching for the cause of this problem for the past five years or more. check windowsills for mold. The fatigue is so bad that even folding a sheet is taking effort. I have never had an allergy problem in the past. Feels like the flu or High Fever aches with out the high temp. I ended up within a month after that getting all these puss filled blisters in the form of a staff infection, and the docs at the hospital prescribed me the same medicine, and after a month and a half i got a 3rd staff infection somewhere near my first one. I recognise when he is coming down with the symptoms as he gets a blackening under the eyes first, along with extreme fatigue, as do I. I was born in 1984 and have been suffering from chronic sinuitis since changing climates. This is the 5th and longest bout (about two weeks long so far) in 3 months. Boy do these symptoms sound familiar. I all suffer from dyspepsia, though that is a long-standing symptom. because I really do not want to keep taking advil sinus. I have been living on Motrin for the aches. Blood clots are nothing to mess around with. s told me it was due to stress. Sinusitis is categorized as infectious or allergic. I actually have knots in my muscels so not that. So, turns out I had probably had the blood clots since February but they just kept getting worse over time, mimicking asthma and allergies and silent re-flux until it nearly killed me. I had a big improvement on my sore itchy red eyes, runny nose, flaky sculp, congested sinuses, wheezing cough, joint pains, etc. My name is Gil, and I moved to Australia 3 years ago. I also suffer with flu like aches and was told I had everything from Fibromyalgia to CFS. ,etc. I also use silver as an antibiotic in most cases and homeopathic remedies for mold, yeast and pollen. It never even crossed my mind that that is what I was dealing with. You can purchase the booklet from most all health food stores and you will be absolutely amazed at he results. But at the same time, I used to feel sick when I went into certain basement rooms in my college fraternity where mold was pretty bad. You may want to have your vitamin levels tested. Irritable bowel syndrome, Painful menstrual periods, Numbness or tingling of hands and feet Restless legs syndrome. I was also told to eliminate wheat from my diet, while drinking a detox shake of supplements and things that detox the body from allergens. The sinus mucus then builds up and thickens, and infection in the sinuses becomes more likely. Within a couple of days the lowgrade fever feeling, the body aches and fatigue were gone. It is sold out of Canada though under another name. It started with aches in my hips, back and shoulders. I have tried antibiotics and it comes back. Yeast overgrowth has been implicated as a contributing factor in symptoms of MS, depression, arthritis, lupus, allergies, chronic fatigue, and nearly any disorder you can dream of. I suppose you can develop a totally new allergy as you get older. Then the same happened when eating sweets containing colorants and artificial flavourings. After about nine months of completing all my injections, I developed another ear infection and the tinnitus returned. I also have muscle and joint pains throughout the night waking up frequently as well as in the morning. See a good psychologist or clinical social worker and talk through your current issues and childhood, etc. My muscle pain and fatique is most likely related to allergies or a missing nutrient. You should read and study many more sites and books. You can find the recipe on line as well, but I highly recommend the book in order to understand the benefits. Hopefully this helps some of you out there. Within a few days the infection became so acute I was in excruciating pain daily until afternoon when the congestion would subside and have me believing that it was on its way out. and within about 10 minutes. If they did test for Celiacs, know that the testing is not always all that accurate. I did get tested for food allergies and only had a very mild corn, wheat, onion, tomato and strawberry allergy. I did find that when I went to see my naturopath. Relief comes with a change in the weather - cool temps or rain which cleans and knocks the mold out of the air. I am an optamistic person and when I get laid out like this, it blows me away. One thing about CFIDS is that most of us are unable to tolerate gluten and alcohol. My muscle pain and fatique is most likely related to allergies or a missing nutrient. Oh and I use like two bags of that salt solution for the nose, one after the other with the neti pot. check windowsills for mold. I will let you know how it goes and am anxious to hear if any of you found relief. Here is what worked for me. Whatever is causing this, I just hope to identify it so I can eliminate or reduce my exposure and attempt to live a normal life again. I grew up in the 1970s, and I never had anything like this. Things got worse when I actually came down with Depression and I believed that it was the cause. I experience symptoms identical to those mentioned above. I have never had an allergy problem in the past. The normal course of action I take with a sinus infection is to use my neti pot and breathe hot steam with essential oils. You have no idea how glad I am to find all of you. Blood clots are nothing to mess around with. I do not think that it is too healthy for me. I was exhausted, sleeping 10-11 hours a night to feel I could function the following morning. because I really do not want to keep taking advil sinus. Of course these are first generation allergy meds, and most Allergists push the 2nd gen. please do the same. My Dr. I went to the doc and have been taking Septra for a possible sinus infection, but no improvement. V8 juice each day, a banana first thing in the morning(works wonders for dypepsia), avoiding dry wheat products like bagel, toasted bread. So I take some sudafed to help with the pressure (which did) but before it kicked in I started to get the chills like I had the flu. Ive been eating fruits because they have lots of antioxidants and vitamins in them which can help kill the bacteria. I moved into a new apartment in March and I know that renters in other units have had problems with MOLD. Some of you may want to join us in this discussion in the Neurology forum on CFIDS and lyme disease. My Immunologist told me once that allergies alone could be disabling. After 3 rounds of antibiotics no better, and over the counter allergy meds. There seems to be nothing wrong with me clinically, as far as my tests show. At its most severe it will cause dizziness and nausea. I have also bought sinus buster nose spray at sinusbuster. The nasal congestion that results blocks the sinuses, preventing drainage of mucus into the nose and mouth. Oz and let me tell you, its awesome and no chemicals, its all safe. Candidis is eastren medicine which westren dose not recognize. The next day, the sneezing and congestion was turned off like a light switch, but the aches got worse and the fever, while a little lower was still there. My name is Gil, and I moved to Australia 3 years ago. It just made me think of all possible diagnosis from Cancer to Multiple sclerosis. I again started injections and the sinus conditions and tinnitus stopped. All this was with sever fatigue to the point where it was hard to function. All the rain has the mold up and the rag weed is seeding. Sinus pressure (with absolutely clear sinuses), severe muscle pains and fatigue, and a general feeling of being down and out. ISo, I am feeling more rested than usual this morning. I decided to cut on it as well and started with bread. I moved into a new apartment in March and I know that renters in other units have had problems with MOLD. Kinda goes to show doctors dont know everything they think they do. Then the same happened when eating sweets containing colorants and artificial flavourings. However, to complicate matters I am a Celiac (gluten intollerant). the hospital i went to seemed to have no interest in listening to the symptoms I was having, but all I Know is I been feeling this way for about 7 months now and its crazy. Everyones different so it can effect everyone differently. I have symptoms like many of you describe. Sometimes nasal steroid sprays can provide relief, but not if the mold is particularly prevalent in the air. I hope its a simple allergy that can be corrected. After 3 rounds of antibiotics no better, and over the counter allergy meds. please do the same. I suppose you can develop a totally new allergy as you get older. At least no allergy symptoms for right now, have to wait and watch until next spring. I also use silver as an antibiotic in most cases and homeopathic remedies for mold, yeast and pollen. After visiting ENT doctors and trying all sorts of medications, I started allergy injections. I developed Nasopure for my patients, ages 2 and above. My doctor told me that my symptoms are caused by allergies. I have a lot of the same symptoms as de4912. I have run through all of the possible causes and solutions mentioned by previous comments and to no avail. My normal diet is pretty healthy anyway, so I just removed a few things and also began taking Candidase by Enzymedica. I was very pleased to find this forum and see that there are fellow-sufferers of this inexplicable syndrome. I assumed these symptoms would go away without much consequence. I did find a few alternatives on the internet I am trying (out of desperation). I play tennis and have these symptoms increasingly as I age after a hard game and have muscle pain. I challenged to take care of it myself without any antipsychotic drugs when my physician wanted to prescribe antidepressants. Alot of these symptoms fit Celiacs. Now after 4 days in the hospital, another 4 days of rest at home and many rounds of blood thinners I am feeling almost normal again. I was born in 1984 and have been suffering from chronic sinuitis since changing climates. So. I have been miserable off and on for years. All this was with sever fatigue to the point where it was hard to function. I have never felt this way for this long. see if you have an allergic reaction. Of course these are first generation allergy meds, and most Allergists push the 2nd gen. Extreme sore throat, coughing, muscle aches and pains, headaches, fever and fatigue. I have to sit down and rest for at least ten minutes before I can do anything else. I was really bloaty and realised I had been eating a lot of popcorn and corn on the cob. Hopefully this helps some of you out there. Caused by birth control pills that I had just started taking a few months earlier to balance my hormones. I was very pleased to find this forum and see that there are fellow-sufferers of this inexplicable syndrome. I once had a very severe reaction to drinking lots of corn chowder during a cold weekend in Maine. It is hidden in processed meat, sausage, sauces, yogurt, etc. It helped but its a general health diet ever one should be on. There seems to be nothing wrong with me clinically, as far as my tests show. I live in Seattle and currently the TREE POLLEN is really bad here. See a good psychologist or clinical social worker and talk through your current issues and childhood, etc. So i looked for a way to contact this said herbal doctor as to see if he can palliate the pains i was going through. Sinusitis is categorized as infectious or allergic. I used to get several sinus infections yearly and I just learned to deal with it. Walking an distance makes the muscles in my legs ache, especially my calves. I just saw my own previous post in this thread. Sinusitis in older people most frequently occurs with rhinitis as part of the common cold and so is caused by a virus. Really starting to worry about what is going on. Since increasing Allegra, the intensity of my headaches has been reduced as well as the foggy feeling. Scheduled for allergy testing the end of the month. This combination of symptoms is entirely new to me. I was exhausted, sleeping 10-11 hours a night to feel I could function the following morning. Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses. Day six found me with a sinus headache and red, weepy eyes.

see if you have an allergic reaction. I am due to go back to work on Wednesday but cannot go back like this. Im going to go back to doc tomorrow as I am concerned about pains in back. Hello to everyone in here My name is ALICE FEDD, i am from LONDON(UK), i quickly want to use this medium of opportunity to testify how the great herbal DR IMONAH. sulphate. One year ago Witt some drugs I was finally able to rid myself of the constant pressure. After 15 days of taking the antibiotic (which also cures sinus infections), there is no improvement. Things got worse when I actually came down with Depression and I believed that it was the cause. Candidis is eastren medicine which westren dose not recognize. Instead of running nose and a little bit of weakness and tiredness I get. All further complicated by the possibility that premenopause is causing fog and other hormonal imbalances. Still not been able to have a regular exercise schedule, will work on that. and within about 10 minutes. He sits directly under the air-conditioning vent in our staff-room and I sit close by. I love extrem temps in my food really hot or cold both are soothing. Ive gone to the doctor many times and because allergies make me feel so stupid, my head feels like a bowling ball, I feel very weak, hard to breathe, I feel it effects my daily activities and Im simply tired of it. I did find a few alternatives on the internet I am trying (out of desperation). Just two days before my sinus infection developed, I had paid a visit to my neighbor, a nutritional therapist. They have provided me with marginal relief but I still wake up every morning feeling like I got hit by a truck and by the end of the day, my head tends to throb and I feel exhausted. This all seems to have started with the Santa Ana winds which seemed to provoke a very harsh, burning nose cold, which mostly went away only to be slowly replaced by the current vague yet profound symptoms described above. Do not always need antibiotics but this time I did. Yet, I often eat popcorn without a problem. may not work for everyone, but it literally changed my life. Is convinced that my allergies are out of control. I have seen an allergist for a decade, earlier, and he referred me to an environmental specialist. Moving to this new place know for allergies, since 2 yrs my life has been a havoc. Im going to go back to doc tomorrow as I am concerned about pains in back. I have a milk allergy (but can usually tolerate dairy) and suspect that I also have a corn allergy, given the incident just cited. Alot of these symptoms fit Celiacs. These only made me groggy and did not relieve the aching which is my main symptom. Together we can share our experiences and knowledge, and help ourselves in a society which ignores and misunderstands what we are going through. I feel a bit better eliminating wheat, and detoxing on this protein powder. I had an extreme sensitivity to light them the tooth aches hit. I was really healthy and felt great when I got all my carbs from vegetables. I saw the Neti pot on opera with Dr. I have 7 apointments with differnt specialist, this month to figure this out. I live in East Texas and the ragweed is a possible culprit. Still not been able to have a regular exercise schedule, will work on that. If I find anything else that helps, I will post it. (I had already done the probiotic thing). Have always had sinus, but NEVER like this and for SO long. Infectious sinusitis can also be caused by a bacterial infection or sometimes by a fungal infection. Alternaria does not grow below 60 degrees so cold nights and cool days are when the symptoms are least felt. the diet that was recomended was veggies and meat only and none of the sweet ones. I am experiencing very similar symptoms to those described on this forum - some have been long term and some acute, over just the past 2 weeks. i surf the internet several times and did not see any one who gave me a better alternative to what my doctor said. I am in allergy fog and no doubt feel sick allot as I catch everything my kids bring into the house. You have no idea how glad I am to find all of you. I have been miserable off and on for years. You should read and study many more sites and books. All the rain has the mold up and the rag weed is seeding. Thanks so much and best of luck to all you allergy sufferers out there experiencing these awful flu-like symptoms. I also have muscle and joint pains throughout the night waking up frequently as well as in the morning. I am going to go back to her. My research revealed that goldenseal, apple cider vinegar, and various immune-boosting herbal products I already had in my house were effective natural treatments for a sinus infection. It is very frustrating to have doctors and others tell me (and doubt me) as to the severity and legitimacy of what I am suffering. Me Im lucky they never go away completely but the do lessen. Again, I completed all of my allergy injections (about 5 years later), and after about a year, an ear infection set in with the tinnitus. I am a school teacher. I am however, dealing with bad body aches, sore lower back, sore upper back, sore shoulders and neck. Thanks for your comment, its good to know. Allergic sinusitis is caused by an allergic reaction to dust, mold, pollen, or another substance in the environment. I saw the Neti pot on opera with Dr. I guess mine started about 4 weeks ago when spring was just getting started. After 15 days of taking the antibiotic (which also cures sinus infections), there is no improvement. Like most of you, I tried all kinds of remedies, went to all kinds of doctors and had very little relief. Wow, I can completely relate to all of these symptoms. important, read up on mold, can be source of great distress. I was very pleased to find this forum and see that there are fellow-sufferers of this inexplicable syndrome. My doctor told me that my symptoms are caused by allergies. Any way, it is good to see I am not alone. I finally found out what was going on with us. Yet, I often eat popcorn without a problem. This combination of symptoms is entirely new to me. Oh and I use like two bags of that salt solution for the nose, one after the other with the neti pot. Sent me to an ENT - gave me nasal steroid and antihistamines. Interestingly, so does a colleague of mine, who sits very close to me in our staff-room. We are now avoiding all kinds of preservatives. Many foods are processed using molds, like certain cheeses. I ended up within a month after that getting all these puss filled blisters in the form of a staff infection, and the docs at the hospital prescribed me the same medicine, and after a month and a half i got a 3rd staff infection somewhere near my first one. I had performed a candida cleanse in 2007 which lasted about 14 weeks. Instead of running nose and a little bit of weakness and tiredness I get. Also if you think about the fact that most of our not so distant ancestors were eating much simpler, cleaner diets for hundreds, even thousands of years, possibly within 1 or 2 generations of us. One thing about CFIDS is that most of us are unable to tolerate gluten and alcohol. I suppose the root of what I have is a bad nasal allergy that is causing everything else. A lot of the symptoms you all described have suddenly hit me like a brick this morning. I am very relived seeing that I am not alone. But after over a year of treatment for depression, I am no better. I increased my exercise program to one hour on a bicycle at a fast pace, one half hour of weight bearing exercises (I am a 58 year old woman and have been exercising with weights that range from 10 to 20 pounds) 500 crunches and a number of other stretch exercises. I finally began to exercise and found that I felt somewhat better. But I have found the neti pot to help me out a lot. Also this time around I have neck and shoulder pain. if nothing else is working and you are sick all of the time, what do you do. I think that the best immediate relief for all your symptoms is the Master Cleanse. About a week ago I started feeling a little bit of pressure coming on almost like a cold was about to hit. How I Cured A Raging Sinus Infection Naturally, With No Drugs. During this time of course, everyone around me was urging me to go to the doctor and get a prescription for antibiotics. I did not make the choice for them they decided for themselves after they suffered a few times. I have also bought sinus buster nose spray at sinusbuster. who I think is great. I have tried antibiotics and it comes back. There seems to be nothing wrong with me clinically, as far as my tests show. Alll of it has helped in the past, but not since March. And they can be brought on by medication, injury, anything. I will let you know how it goes and am anxious to hear if any of you found relief. Really starting to worry about what is going on. The symptoms improved while I was on the antibiotics, but they are back with a vengeance. Can someone help me figure out how you get the food allergy testing done. It grows and thrives in hot and humid weather. Kill the candida and all your illnesses start to go away. I run out of breath just walking from one room to the next and feel as though an elephant is sitting on my shoulders all the time. 4. I was born in eastern wa desert now I live in overcast cool rainy westren wa. It sounds like you could have food allergies. You can purchase the booklet from most all health food stores and you will be absolutely amazed at he results. It helps a great deal to feel joined in this quest for solutions. Kinda goes to show doctors dont know everything they think they do. I grew up in the 1970s, and I never had anything like this. If anyone gets relief please post, as will I. Again, I completed all of my allergy injections (about 5 years later), and after about a year, an ear infection set in with the tinnitus. Im simply tried of it, I heard even honey helps and I would try a new diet plan and exercise along with plenty of rest. they are not included in the routine blood tests. It just made me think of all possible diagnosis from Cancer to Multiple sclerosis. sent me for a CT of sinus and it was clear. ,etc. It can just give you a good idea of whether you are more likely to develop it. I also found that vinegar made my eyes hurt and my joints as well. Mold does a couple of things to the body. I run out of breath just walking from one room to the next and feel as though an elephant is sitting on my shoulders all the time. I have been feeling much of the same symptoms you all have since February of this year. I found mine at a store that sells foam futons, mattresses, pillows etc. Have always had sinus, but NEVER like this and for SO long. I am doing some research because I am too weak to walk to the clinic, and I have found doctors to be often unhelpful, unless I arrive with my own ideas about what might be wrong. I finally began to exercise and found that I felt somewhat better. At least no allergy symptoms for right now, have to wait and watch until next spring. I am experiencing very similar symptoms to those described on this forum - some have been long term and some acute, over just the past 2 weeks. I had lots to study when these symptoms started and Dr. Therefore, I really hope that its an allergy since that will give me a reason for these annoying problems that are creating havoc in my life. I have been on SSNRIs for a little over a year, and for the last two weeks, have had cloudy, smelly urine (sorry for that info), but no pain, or blood. I have had excessive fatigue to the point where I could sleep all day long. All of the nasty symptoms are back in force. I use a little more than warm water to flush out my congestion and I take a multivitamin everyday. can find them online as well. it feels refreshing soothing, cleansing and it is effective in removing the excessive mucus, swelling and debris. I actually have knots in my muscels so not that. My son wakes up crying about not being able to walk due to the pain, which leads me to believe it is some kind of virus, not a disease. Since I came to Australia, the presume allergies symptoms I get make my stomach more acidy, and there for create problem like ACID reflux. multiple diagonis with tendonitis takes for ever to heal and only 3 months to mess my body up again some times less time. it feels refreshing soothing, cleansing and it is effective in removing the excessive mucus, swelling and debris. I had a CT and was told it is not sinusitis. Alternatively you could be going in for a viral infection. I would have cheese once in awhile but have been eating it every day lately. I was prescribed the same antibiotic for what my doctor thinks is an infected lymph gland. It is hidden in processed meat, sausage, sauces, yogurt, etc. All of the nasty symptoms are back in force. The symptoms improved while I was on the antibiotics, but they are back with a vengeance. I did find that when I went to see my naturopath. The next day, the sneezing and congestion was turned off like a light switch, but the aches got worse and the fever, while a little lower was still there. Therefore, I really hope that its an allergy since that will give me a reason for these annoying problems that are creating havoc in my life. In my case, food sensitivities are so variable that it is difficult to know whether I need to cut out certain foods from my diet. Mold stimulates yeast overgrowth in the body, worsening allergies. am also going to try the Zicam Seasonal allergy spray. I am on every allergy treatment -- zyrtec, allergy shots, steriod spray and I got a steroid shot when I was at the doc a week ago. I would google Celiacs and probably Candida to see if either of these could be the cause. Hi I am a 41 year old male who has had on and off nasal congestion, Chronic cough and flu like body aches. a 4 hour jobby. sent me for a CT of sinus and it was clear. I developed Nasopure for my patients, ages 2 and above. I just saw my own previous post in this thread. Went to doctors and was negative for strep. My guess would be the antibiotic his doctor prescribed: Septra. , Dr. But I have found the neti pot to help me out a lot. I live in East Texas and the ragweed is a possible culprit. I all suffer from dyspepsia, though that is a long-standing symptom. , Dr. I was really healthy and felt great when I got all my carbs from vegetables. I think that the best immediate relief for all your symptoms is the Master Cleanse. Just wanted to put out there, what has worked for me. But my doctor also mentioned that there could be some other factors causing (or contributing to) my allergy symptoms. Something affected us again but not as severe. I have not said anything to my doctor yet but he has told me my cough is allergy related. I all suffer from dyspepsia, though that is a long-standing symptom. My nose is always stuffy (year-round) but I just recently started having all these other symptoms and they truly are very crippling. ) for years. I have seen a number of Dr. Also if you think about the fact that most of our not so distant ancestors were eating much simpler, cleaner diets for hundreds, even thousands of years, possibly within 1 or 2 generations of us. My Immunologist told me once that allergies alone could be disabling. I went to the pharmacy and bought every over the counter allergy med. Scheduled for allergy testing the end of the month. Also this time around I have neck and shoulder pain. Together we can share our experiences and knowledge, and help ourselves in a society which ignores and misunderstands what we are going through. I was given a variety of pills to increase quality of sleep. Therefore, I really hope that its an allergy since that will give me a reason for these annoying problems that are creating havoc in my life. Last night in desperation I went to the drug store and purchased another OTC med. I started cutting stuff out and nothing changed for me. I had every one of these symptoms for almost two years. I have been on SSNRIs for a little over a year, and for the last two weeks, have had cloudy, smelly urine (sorry for that info), but no pain, or blood. I was really bloaty and realised I had been eating a lot of popcorn and corn on the cob. I found mine at a store that sells foam futons, mattresses, pillows etc. I believe these changes have kept my dyspepsia at heal, and my body fatigue and immunity seems to be doing better too. I constantly get laryngitis - approx 9 times in last 10 months. So I take some sudafed to help with the pressure (which did) but before it kicked in I started to get the chills like I had the flu. Any way, it is good to see I am not alone. It never even crossed my mind that that is what I was dealing with. the diet that was recomended was veggies and meat only and none of the sweet ones. Yeast overgrowth has been implicated as a contributing factor in symptoms of MS, depression, arthritis, lupus, allergies, chronic fatigue, and nearly any disorder you can dream of. I take shots, Astelin, Zyrtec D, Clariten, Benedryl, Flonase. This year, I was once again reminded just how useful natural treatments are when the sore throat and body ache I came down with turned into conjunctivitis and a horrible sinus infection. I have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and am going for surgery next week. Mold does a couple of things to the body. I will be watching my food very carefully for the next little while. I all suffer from dyspepsia, though that is a long-standing symptom. I feel as if ever since then I have been infected with something because I read about a staff infection can get into your blood if its not treated properly. Dont blow too hard but slowly because they congestion will come back. I took some Chlortrimaton one afternoon. nothing is working. I have symptoms like many of you describe. Like most of you, I tried all kinds of remedies, went to all kinds of doctors and had very little relief. After visiting ENT doctors and trying all sorts of medications, I started allergy injections. So i suffered from this Illnes for some time, and each day i was praying for God to change my situation because my health was becoming dilapidated by the day. There seems to be nothing wrong with me clinically, as far as my tests show. Hang in there guys I know its not easy feeling this way but you do get used to it and adjust to knowing just when and how much you can do things. I am trying to convince my allergist that it is all tied into each other. Oz and let me tell you, its awesome and no chemicals, its all safe. Everyones different so it can effect everyone differently. Recent study revealed 80% of those with sinus infections DO NOT NEED an antibiotic, just a good washing. But at the same time, I used to feel sick when I went into certain basement rooms in my college fraternity where mold was pretty bad. Hope it rings a bell, I will try to take some allergies pills soon and see how it effect it. I had every one of these symptoms for almost two years. In the old days it would only cause sneezing, watery eyes, etc. I have been researching thinking that because of my horrible breathing that I have oxygen deprivation or carbon dioxide poisoning. This started about a month ago - so first i had laryngitis, next week chest infection, last week lower respiratory tract infection. I am a school teacher. Therefore, I really hope that its an allergy since that will give me a reason for these annoying problems that are creating havoc in my life. If anyone knows what this is let me know. Interestingly, so does a colleague of mine, who sits very close to me in our staff-room. Allergic sinusitis is caused by an allergic reaction to dust, mold, pollen, or another substance in the environment. I had a CT and was told it is not sinusitis. I finally found out what was going on with us. s and I have taken 3 different types of antibiotics. I have been living on Motrin for the aches. Sinusitis in older people most frequently occurs with rhinitis as part of the common cold and so is caused by a virus. I have an apt with a arthritis doc n 2 days for my arms and legs and joints swell if I repeat motions to often. I have been researching thinking that because of my horrible breathing that I have oxygen deprivation or carbon dioxide poisoning. It took trips to neurologists,muscle biopsies,MRIs,blood test after blood test. I did get tested for food allergies and only had a very mild corn, wheat, onion, tomato and strawberry allergy. who I think is great. I started cutting stuff out and nothing changed for me. But our symptoms started subsiding immediately after we paid a visit to my acupuncturist and Chinese herbal doctor. I can understand how people just give up and get old. It seemed to work until I completed my allergy injection cycles (5 years later). We are now avoid all sweets, cool drinks, even crisps. The sinus mucus then builds up and thickens, and infection in the sinuses becomes more likely. I have never felt this way for this long. One year ago Witt some drugs I was finally able to rid myself of the constant pressure. s and I have taken 3 different types of antibiotics. I used to get several sinus infections yearly and I just learned to deal with it. Me Im lucky they never go away completely but the do lessen. Sometimes nasal steroid sprays can provide relief, but not if the mold is particularly prevalent in the air. I have suffered from all of the above (headaches, neck, shoulder, back aches, muscle aches, dizziness, fatigue, bloating, etc. I have an apt with a arthritis doc n 2 days for my arms and legs and joints swell if I repeat motions to often. Would be interested in your comments on this. I did take some loratadine for the first time yesterday and it seemed to relieve the muscle aches. I went back to the Dr. I get odd little shooting pains every now in again in my thighs, wrist, love handles etc. Finally after my OWN research I went to see an allergist. I have GORD condition at my stomach, never bother me. So gradually i begin to recover and as i speak to you i am Fibromyalgia free. You might not have all of the symptoms i named here and anyone can have this thing, kids, men, women. Sinus pressure (with absolutely clear sinuses), severe muscle pains and fatigue, and a general feeling of being down and out. I have been personally searching for the cause of this problem for the past five years or more. You may want to have your vitamin levels tested. Whatever is causing this, I just hope to identify it so I can eliminate or reduce my exposure and attempt to live a normal life again. I have been suffering for 9 yrs with all the above (started when I hit 30),they come and go,and mornings are the worst. This started about a month ago - so first i had laryngitis, next week chest infection, last week lower respiratory tract infection. My son and a few of his friends came down with a cold or something resembling strep about a week a go, which I got from him as well. She said that I had strep in my body, and I tested positive for candida. I also found that vinegar made my eyes hurt and my joints as well. com. Like a Mack truck has hit me every morning. The heat and humidity allow the mold to grow and become suspended in the air we all breath. At its most severe it will cause dizziness and nausea. If they did test for Celiacs, know that the testing is not always all that accurate. I am also suffering from many of the symptoms you all describe, sinus pressure, sinus headache and extreme fatigue and body aches. Often, the temps drop but the air still holds the mold if no rain has fallen and wind keeps the air stirred with previous mold growth. I experience symptoms identical to those mentioned above. Am now on Prednisone (steroid pills) for 6 days. Well it seems as though a lot of what you folks and I suffer from are severe allergies. My son wakes up crying about not being able to walk due to the pain, which leads me to believe it is some kind of virus, not a disease. I had a full day of intense sneezing fits (about 5-7 sneezes at a time) coupled with TERRIBLE body aches, and a fever of 101. Thanks so much and best of luck to all you allergy sufferers out there experiencing these awful flu-like symptoms. My husband would get so frustrated with me because I was always on the internet trying to find out what was wrong with me untill one day he started having the same symptoms. I have not said anything to my doctor yet but he has told me my cough is allergy related. i no longer suffer from Fibromyalgia or feel those nasty symptoms i use to have before. fatigue, muscle and joint pain, bloating, headaches, even depression, irritability. Can I just ask my PCP and do you need to request a specific test. I have had the flu before and this does not feel the same, nor is it getting any better despite the fact that I have been off work and resting in bed for 2 weeks. I can understand how people just give up and get old. I have no fever or night sweats, and nasal mucous is clear. I cannot wait to resume my exercise regimen as I know I will once again feel strong amd pain free. It grows and thrives in hot and humid weather. My guess would be the antibiotic his doctor prescribed: Septra. Infectious sinusitis can also be caused by a bacterial infection or sometimes by a fungal infection. I do not think that it is too healthy for me. The tinnitus is very annoying (putting it mildly) and the constant build up of mucus in the ears is a killer. I am an optamistic person and when I get laid out like this, it blows me away. My symptoms (flu-like aching of feet and legs, extreme fatique, breathlessness, malaise, with very mild sinus pressure and sore glands) began about a month ago. I do not like to take meds, therefore a hot bath and much rest is usually what improves my condition, and I think I am also depleted in vitamins and electrolytes. I love extrem temps in my food really hot or cold both are soothing. He sits directly under the air-conditioning vent in our staff-room and I sit close by. I developed tinnitus (ringing in the ears) after an ear infection many years ago. Ive tried nasal sprays, pills, antibiolics, allegry d, sudafid. I had an extreme sensitivity to light them the tooth aches hit. So i begin to wonder and think because sometimes ago my doctor once told me that there is power in herbal medicine. You can ask to see an allergist for these tests. This all seems to have started with the Santa Ana winds which seemed to provoke a very harsh, burning nose cold, which mostly went away only to be slowly replaced by the current vague yet profound symptoms described above. It took trips to neurologists,muscle biopsies,MRIs,blood test after blood test. which i went for a test and my doctor told me that i am diagnosed of Fibromyalgia which he said also cannot be cured. It is sold out of Canada though under another name. I am also suffering from many of the symptoms you all describe, sinus pressure, sinus headache and extreme fatigue and body aches. If I find anything else that helps, I will post it. Now after 4 days in the hospital, another 4 days of rest at home and many rounds of blood thinners I am feeling almost normal again. I have had excessive fatigue to the point where I could sleep all day long. I am at my ends wits and feel I am running out of options and no one can help. I felt pressure behind my eyes, on my cheeks, forehead and the back of my head. I am so relieved seeing all you guys going through what I am facing. Two days ago I developed a severe sore throat with body aches. These only made me groggy and did not relieve the aching which is my main symptom. I would google Celiacs and probably Candida to see if either of these could be the cause. I am an otherwise healthy 32 year old male, but frustrated by this recent baffling problem. and she gave me some natural meds, the symptons improved, but once I stopped taking the pellets, they came back. Ive tried nasal sprays, pills, antibiolics, allegry d, sudafid. I live in Seattle and currently the TREE POLLEN is really bad here. This is day 21 of feeling absoultely terrible. Not really hot to where you burn yourself though. I challenged to take care of it myself without any antipsychotic drugs when my physician wanted to prescribe antidepressants. Been eating better, no pop,mostly water and fruit juice. and asked to be referred to a Specialist. Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses. Went to doctors and was negative for strep. Chlortramine, or something like that. com. I have had the flu before and this does not feel the same, nor is it getting any better despite the fact that I have been off work and resting in bed for 2 weeks. I started to have similar symptoms as describe above, and I also assume it is allergies, but in a different form. I feel a bit like the boy who cried wolf - likw no-one believes. Just wanted to put out there, what has worked for me. Chlortrimaton is not sold in a 12 hour any more in the US. I hope its a simple allergy that can be corrected. My head started cracklin open and I started breathing better. I had a full day of intense sneezing fits (about 5-7 sneezes at a time) coupled with TERRIBLE body aches, and a fever of 101. Relief comes with a change in the weather - cool temps or rain which cleans and knocks the mold out of the air. I take shots, Astelin, Zyrtec D, Clariten, Benedryl, Flonase. In my case, food sensitivities are so variable that it is difficult to know whether I need to cut out certain foods from my diet. So, turns out I had probably had the blood clots since February but they just kept getting worse over time, mimicking asthma and allergies and silent re-flux until it nearly killed me. Depression is not the cause or the answer to these symptoms and it is odd that people want to push anti-depressants so much these days. Never had allergies or sinus problems until now. I tried putting two bags at a time but I found that if you do it twice in each nostril, it is most effective with hot water. s told me it was due to stress. I basically have the same symptoms as the first post (de49152). I did take some loratadine for the first time yesterday and it seemed to relieve the muscle aches. You can find the recipe on line as well, but I highly recommend the book in order to understand the benefits. I am on every allergy treatment -- zyrtec, allergy shots, steriod spray and I got a steroid shot when I was at the doc a week ago. From start to finish, the entire episode lasted for nearly two months. Moving to this new place know for allergies, since 2 yrs my life has been a havoc. it makes quite a bit of sense that our bodies may react badly to the homogenized diet we currently consume. important, read up on mold, can be source of great distress. I was drinking a lot of water and eating well, but nothing seemed to work. Wow, I can completely relate to all of these symptoms. and she gave me some natural meds, the symptons improved, but once I stopped taking the pellets, they came back. My head started cracklin open and I started breathing better. I have a milk allergy (but can usually tolerate dairy) and suspect that I also have a corn allergy, given the incident just cited. If anyone gets relief please post, as will I. I know what is the cause of such aches and the other symptoms of which everyone is describing. I tried putting two bags at a time but I found that if you do it twice in each nostril, it is most effective with hot water. I have GORD condition at my stomach, never bother me. I was given a variety of pills to increase quality of sleep. I have been suffering for 9 yrs with all the above (started when I hit 30),they come and go,and mornings are the worst.

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